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Words to help

in Analysis & Evaluation (AO2 )

& Recording ( AO3)


The line is curved/straight, it is thick or thin, the line has created pattern and texture, equal 

thickness, edges or contour lines, outlines, jagged line,reflects emotion quality of ? suggests 

nervous energy, heavy lines can communicate feelings of loss and despair, repeated lines that are exactly the same length and thickness but are angled in alternative directions make work appear to shiver with  motion



analogous, primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary, naturalistic colours


lightness or darkness, tints,shade, mono chromatic, saturation, purity, intense, brightest, neutral colour.


cool colour, warm colour, warm colours advance towards the viewer, cool colours recede, atmosphere,

Fantastic effects

dots of colour, colours used in an arbitrary way, colours used for symbolic or expressive purposes,colours applied in scientific ways.


illusion, overlapping shapes, relative size of objects, play with our notion of space, relative position



art language-refer to booklet on ‘Line’. Linear, horizon, vanishing point, parallel lines, illusion of space, colours and values are greyed


rough, bumpy, slick, scratchy, smooth, silky, soft, prickly, surface is cold, hard and smooth,

Visual texture


symmetrical, asymmetrical, radial, balance with colour-values


centre of interest, placement and scale, directional lines, overall emphasis, contrasts of texture


Movement and Rhythm


Final Evaluation.

Go through your 



Step 1

Explain what you had set out to do i.e. state what the aim of your project was (to explore your local area and to reflect the essence found within)


Step 2

State how you began with a brainstorm to explore fully the topic and to establish what

 images you needed to study and to take photographs off.


Step 3

Go through the sketchbooks and write what you did and explain why you did it. Continually explain how the work connects to the chosen theme.


• Step 4

Write down who the artist inspirations were and who you found to be the most inspirational.


Step 5

Explain that the next step was to develop one area further eg. textiles and explain how and why you developed this area.


• Step 6

Explain that the next step was to complete some layouts or a design sheet to compose or to design a final piece. Justify why you chose a particular design/layout. Talk about the 

composition, colour, images that are included .

• Step 7

Explain who the main inspiration for the chosen piece was.


• Step 8

Explain what the next step was- if it was a fine art piece you needed to get the board ready and final piece drawn on, in proportion.


• Step 9

Comment using art language how successfully your final peice met your intentions. (You also needed to have included one other area than your choosen area.)




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